
Spring Cleaning: Done In 1 Day

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be that huge process you dread all year! In fact, it doesn’t even have to be a huge process. Read on for the perfect plan and schedule for getting your #springcleaning done in just ONE day.

Step 1: Gather your materials

Every project comes with a bit of prep. The day before your overhaul, make sure you’ve got all the supplies you’ll need. To make it really easy on yourself, go ahead and set out the supplies you’ll need in each room/area. For example, set out glass cleaner, sink/countertop cleaner, tile cleaner, toilet cleaner and floor cleaner in your bathroom.

 Step 2: Make a list/schedule

Plan out what you’ll do first, second, third, etc. and give yourself a time range to get each task done! This will help you keep track of time and enable you to stay in line with all the things you planned to do. You can even plan your mealtimes in there as well. Cleaning hungry is not fun!

 Step 3: Laundry

Starting with laundry is always a good idea! Just make sure you set an alarm on your phone for the washing machine and turn on the beeper for the dryer so you know when to change out the loads.

 Step 4: Start with the bathroom(s)

This will help you get the nastiness out of the way first. Everything you do after scrubbing will seem much easier!

 Step 5: The bedroom(s)

Circle around the room starting with the ceiling fan and blinds, so that any excess dust that falls to the floor will be cleaned up when you vacuum. Make sure to dust surfaces like bedside tables AND the things on them like picture frames before vacuuming as well. *Your sheets and towels should’ve gone in with the laundry earlier!*

 Step 6: The living room

Use a butter knife covered with a microfiber cloth to get hard to reach spots like window sills and blinds. Use vinegar to get gunk off of baseboards, then go over it with a dryer sheet f

or a fresh smell and dust repellant.

 Step 7: The dining room

When cleaning the table, be sure to wipe down chairs as well. Don’t forget under the chairs too! Light candles in your dining room? Give your walls a quick wipe down with equal parts water and vinegar to rid them of any soot. *Make sure your curtains and linens were tossed in the wash earlier!*

 Step 8: The kitchen


Cleaning your kitchen from top-to-bottom isn’t just a phrase! Remove food items from your cabinets and clean the shelves starting at the top so that any dust will fall to the next one you’ll clean. Don’t forget to wipe down your backsplash as well – it’s a hotspot for food 


 Step 9: Break out those spring items!

See?! That wasn’t so hard! Feel like you might have missed a few spots? Give us a call (404-913-6699) or a get quote online here.

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